Monday, November 30, 2009

This is What Audrey Writes... About

Some sonuvabitch took the only Blogspot address I was semi-satisfied with: Audrey Writes. It's simple, it's descriptive, it's literal. I don't know what kind of Audrey you think you are, Audrey who stole that web address, but rest assured I will stop at nothing to find you and... wait, what was I talking about? Cats are funny.

This is where you can go to read my writing (plus free shipping on orders over $25!) It will be like we're hanging out at happy hour and we're talking, except you can't say anything and I'll just be the one with the drink(s). Comments will largely be disabled but that doesn't limit the things they can do, so don't be prejudiced. I think the fault of my LiveJournal was that I wasn't sure if I wanted to write personal stories or movie reviews or pop culture musings or anything and everything.* Also, enabling comments was an err on my part. I don't really write for people to respond. I write for people to read and laugh. Also I write for practice. And because I'm socially retarded and good with words.

So check back for more. I will change the background so that's it's prettier to look at and not like you're reading a Geocities page from 1997.** It's damn near 2010. Let's get a cute photo and/or graphic up in hrr.

* Also, LiveJournal is kind of gay.
** The word "blog" makes me cringe. I blame Julie and Julia. Blog blog blog blog my blog I wrote my blog comments on my blog, etc. Gross.